These are indeed strange times with the whole world forced to slow down. The music industry has been one of the hardest hit with all events cancelled and gigs shut down. We know our artists are suffering and it has been heartbreaking. However with all the hardships there has been absolutely wonderful things happening to connect our global communities through the love of music.
We have seen an increase of interest in learning music for those new to the craft and those wanting to learn additional instruments. With the slowing down of everyday life comes the chance to put more time into our passions, practice and help us through the stress.
Watching the videos of people around the world singing and playing music together from their balconies and computers has been incredibly uplifting. It just goes to show what an incredible difference music makes to the world and just how important it is.
We have been working non-stop throughout this pandemic to insure music stays alive and strong in our community and to help or customers feel supported and have easy access to what they need for their craft.
Those of you who have been into our store over the last month or so have seen some dramatic changes as we have had to adapt to the social distancing rules we have all had to follow and we can't thank our customers enough for their patience and cooperation. You know how much we love to talk to you all and see how you're going and where you're playing. We miss being able to have face to face conversations with you all terribly!
Our music teachers have had to adapt to teaching online and we are so proud of them and their beautiful students for working with this new format. You have all been AMAZING!
Going online has made it possible for everyone to stay connected so to better service our customers in these strange times we knew it was finally time to take it online with ALL MUSIC DIRCET. We are proud to announce that we are now able to ship direct to you so you have more time to play and less stress picking up your essentials.
Just because we're online, doesn't mean you can't still pop into our store when you need to or maybe pop over to our facebook page to say hi. We'd love to see you an know how you're going.
Stay safe and play on.
- Ian, Brenda & the All Music Team.